The gums are a direct entry point to your body’s bloodstream-and it’s vital systems.

Bacterial clumps, known as biofilms, can break from their cluster and have a “seeding” effect through rest of the body. Studies have traced pathogens that lead to gum disease to same pathogens known to cause other systemic inflammation and illness.

Treating gum disease with the Perio Protect method has shown to reduce the presence of the most damaging pathogens by up to 90%.

Gum disease treatment helps reduce the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, respiratory disease, Lazheimer’s disease, Colorectal and pre-term births and low birth-weight babies.

The Perio protect method combines with professional cleanings and scaling and prescription Perio Tray delivery of medication at home.

The customized Perio Tray has a special sealing system that keeps medication below the gum line to fight infections. This is important because oral bio films regenerate very easily and grow below the guns where toothbrush and floss cannot easily reach, making them difficult to control between office visits.